Sunday, November 4, 2012

Latrobe Terrace Elevation.

The Latrobe Terrace Elevation shows how the new roof structure tucks in neatly behind the traditional front facade. maintaining the traditional paddington look. Notice also the Flame logo in prime position on the entry to the center.

Summer View

This is a view from the car park level looking up through a hole in the Latrobe terrace level to the roof space in summer.

Autumn View

This view shows contextual changes that the roof could create. For example, a view from the Latrobe terrace walkway space in Autumn.

Latrobe Level View

This view shows the Latrobe terrace level retail space, looking up to the deck above.

Car park level Render.

This level show one of the three entries on the car park level looking up to the roof over. I decided that using a photo with real people and providing a glimpse into their experience, shown by the area around each of them, may help to communicate the experiential nature of the space.

Stair Entry Section

This closer section shows the front of the stairs running along the end wall of the retail stores. this improves flow of movement from the north side of the building. and also makes the entry more visible from the north.

North Elevation

Due to a change in entry points and a rework of vertical access in Paddington Home, the rear of the building becomes more accessible and thus, could use a makeover to align it with the values presented by the front façade. By reworking the roof, and pushing the lower wall in by about a meter, the rear of Paddington Home takes on the look of the iconic Queenslander home that is so common throughout Paddington.