Thursday, October 11, 2012

Computing Power and Behavior.

According to Moore's Law, Computing power is currently capable of doubling in capacity every 2 years. Based on this fact, the idea of a server farm to house information becomes irrelevant.

So what would a computer in the year 2026 look like? who cares!
How would a computer in the year 2026 behave?

Feng Zaho, a computer scientist at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center, "Proposes equipping machinery and structures with 'collaborating sensors' reminiscent of neurons. These sensors would respond and adapt to the physical environment, infer the needs of their human operators, share information within the network, and filter our unimportant details. A building containing these sensors would behave almost organically." (Ask Nature, 2012. Sensing and sharing information: neurons)

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