Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Generating Value - Trust & Connection

Similarly to the urban sprawl and the online experience theories that our group worked on in project 1, The economic value will build upon the trust generated by the database.

The main purpose of the database of information is to help people. Not to push products or services.

Previously, a database would hold user information. a user had no choice in the matter. and such, products that fit their description are forced upon them. what can they do.

This new system gives the information back to the user.. the database must ask for it, and display honesty in the way that it is used.

In this system, the database can track a user. but the user can also track the database.

growing suspicion and a lack of trust may lead them to remove their profile. lowering your client list making businesses less likely to commit.

The community value that it has the potential to deliver also stems from this trust. the database becomes a community hub of activity that facilitates connection.

Each person has the ability to physically shape the spaces within the database, creating a sense of belonging and identity.

the database becomes a catalyst for interaction, experience and understanding, a facilitator of vulnerability and trust.

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