At the heart of any
thriving retail experience lies four key themes: Connection, Community, Identity and Belonging.
By preserving these key themes into the future and strengthening those around
the Paddington site can ensure that we preserve the heart of Paddington central,
whatever it may become.
There is a growing
threat to increase the density of the surrounding suburbs of Brisbane in order
to sustain current population growth. But how can you retain the character of the
Paddington area, and all other strongly characterised places surrounding Brisbane
while reaping the benefits of a dense and sustainable city.
By focusing on
retrofitting flexible, usable spaces at highly dense points throughout the
fabric of a city and preserving the existing grain of the sprawl can cut costs
of building and everyday transport by 90%. The most sustainable building is the
one that you don’t build, or the car trip that you don’t take.
By simply changing
our perception of the urban sprawl in Brisbane from a template of environmental
destruction, to a seed for sustainable living and high quality of life, suddenly
changes ones thinking about what the sprawl was and is; to what the sprawl
could become.
Similarly, the
current use of online media and personal profiling receives comparable negative
connotations. Society’s hesitation behind
adopting these technologies lies in the distrust for the people who ‘own’ the
information. What if this too were to change? Could information be freely
shared across the globe with trust and honesty? How could each single person’s
online profile shape their lifestyles in both the physical and virtual realm
now that the barriers of distrust and dishonestly have been removed?
Brisbane 2040 can
become the ‘new world city’ that we hope it will. By implementing a strategic
dispersal of high density nodes radiating out from the CBD can both reap the
benefits of high density living from within the existing environment of the
urban sprawl.
technological advancements and quick integration into society based on a strong
trust can lead to levels of accessibility never before seen. By creating a virtual
overlay of current physical connections each person’s online profile creates a
perfect symbiotic relationship between virtual and physical realms.