Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tutorial Discussion

Entering into the first of our theme group tutorials. we formed groups of three and talked about our first project in Paddington.

We began our dissection of what the fundamental principles behind the current success of the shopping center model. We discerned four fundamental principles behind the shopping center: Community, Identity, Connection, Belonging. These undying principles can be applied in any context; our group predicted that the paddington site of the future should continue to support these principles, regardless of the future function of the site.

We then looked at the shopping center model as a pattern, noting the requirements for factors such as access and residential support. we concluded that the shopping center acted as a HUB for the surrounding community.

Noting future growth, we predicted that these shopping center HUBs would increase in number with density and population.

This revealed a strange and unexpected result, the future model of positional nodes stretching across the wider Brisbane area, actually supported the urban sprawl template. As students, we were always under the assumption that the current urban sprawl was an unsustainable destruction of the natural environment. but we discovered that the assumption behind this statement was, that what we build is wrong.

If we change this assumption and assume 'everything we build is good', suddenly, the idea of an urban sprawl becomes a fantastic template to create a sustainable community. The difficulty then, lies in changing our designing and building habits (which are already in flux), changing our parasitic, off the shelf housing that just attach themselves to the landscape and fail to improve or support it, to become a smarter and more sustainable urban sprawl that supports a community with its own identity within a greater network of connections.

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