Thursday, August 16, 2012

Brisbane 2026 Vision

Brisbane has a strong vision for future prosperity based on consultation with the community.
while some of the goals might be a little over ambitious, the themes and 'fundamental principles' (there it is again) that these goals are based around should be carefully considered when looking at the future of brisbane.

Does our groups theme for the future brisbane fit within and support therse themes?

Accessible, connected city: this has been definitely addressed based on the idea of changing the perception of the urban sprawl and desifying accross nodal points of the city. In turn, by increasing accessibility and lowinging transport, this will also help to address the 'Clean, green city' theme.

A 'Well designed, subtropical city' would be the key driver behind changing the perception of the urban sprawl. Retrofitting exsiting buildings and infill development within the existing built environment will help to achieve this as well as helping to densify our nodes or tentpoles in brisbane.

The 'Active, healthy city' is also addressed by drecresing the need for cars and increasin accessability. Eventually, the city will hit a threshold where people will no longer need a car... this is already beginning to happen.

The remaining themes, I believe, are also being affected positivily through this scheme. However, there could be further thinking done on these to dramatically improve the output in these areas....

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