Week 2 Tutorial.
Results of our Week 2 Design Charrette..
Topic 1 - Urban
Our group first discussed what changes would come into effect if a congestion charge were to be implemented into Brisbane City.
We discused pushing public transport as well as making use the city more pedestrian. Breaking down the threshold of inside and out. Using building openings for pedestrian movement through a city, Creating more organic flow that overlays the grid of the city.
We raised the question of carparks underground.. If there were less cars in the CBD, what could the remaining spaces be used for?
Topic 2 - Suburban
our second discussion point looked at the future of retail business and potential changes in a customer experience.
We discussed the downfall of the shopping center and the potential rise of the local market place. Pitching ideas for a new business model for a travelling market that generates high interest in a small area for a short period of time, before moving to a different location.
Looked at how grocery stores can link themselves to restarants and create a more efficient produce industry by ordering produce based on recipies and correct portions for less waste.
Topic 3 - Regional
Our third topic looked at developing a self sustaining system in the regional site of woodfordia.
our group really struggled with this idea of starting a new system. what were the reasons? what is the likely hood? Would this new society be linked to the rest of the world? or totally removed?
Instead, we focused on developing a system that could be used to encourage purchasing of local products that would encorage a global shift. we created a concept for a global carbon tax.
The tax would take into acount the carbon produced to create and ship each component of the purchased product as well as the carbon used to ship the product to your door. Obviously, the more local you buy, the less likely you are to incur a large tax for importing products. This tax would also have the potential to create more local jobs.
Topic 4 - Virtual
Our group discussed the idea behind the physical costs of the virtual world.
Physical servers provide the network of information we call "the internet". But as the Internet grows, so does the server population required to uphold it.. The closer you are to a server, the faster you are provided with the information. Often, servers are placed on empty floor space that used to be office space.
What would a building look like that was designed for servers?
Using the situation that we had created, we decided to procede in creating an elegant solution to our futuristic problem.
The global carbon tax would come into effect and would track your online spending and shipping and stored with your digital fingerprint (facebook profiles ect.). The additional information can be stored in new servers in a city. The servers can fill the empty carparking space that was left behind by the initial congestion charges. Servers produce substantial heat which could be used to heat the ground in parks to encourage the growth of vegitation.. the server floors could also be opened up in the winter for a warm place for the homeless..
And the whole world is fixed.. Horay!
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