Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Looking Inwards.

I noticed that the last time I was on site in Paddington I would always walk around the other shopping stores before going into paddington central.. I also noticed that each time I went in, I made a conscious decision. whereas outside on latrobe, I could wander from store to store looking, and occasionally even buying, without really thinking about where I was or where I was going.

And as much as I wanted to, I could never stay long inside paddington central. I felt like I was missing out on everything else.

this made me realise that, while paddington central was well designed in terms of acknowledging your context, It still feels like a shopping center.

Elaborating, the center is designed well in terms of creating a building that was sympathetic to its surroundings. but at the same time, It completely ignores the current happenings and movements outside. In that sense, It still has the shopping center feel where the focus is internal. I had previously decided that a Latrobe shopping precinct would be successful. But if Paddington Central is to be successful and feed off the success of the shopping precinct, the internal focus needed to change.

by reworking the spaces to create a more externally focused shopping experience would create a symbiotic relationship between the shopping center and its context. where each can strengthen the other. This alone would make paddington central a unique shopping experience.

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