Monday, September 17, 2012

Project 2 Site.

My initial thoughts regarding project 2 are more based around the context of the site rather then the site itself. The surrounding boutique shopping experiences create a great opportunity to bring the paddington central shopping center together with these individual shops to create a unique outdoor shopping experience in an outdoor retail precinct along Latrobe Terrace.

The precinct could recognise and enhance the community that supports it while giving the area a stronger identity.

The existing shopping area currently continues uninterrupted right through to the old power station that was built to power the old tram depot where the shopping center currently sits. This makes it a very practical and poetic place to limit the initial stages of the shopping district along Latrobe.

Because this strategy is more of a consolidating and branding exercise. the building requirements would actually be small and align themselves with my project one brief of creating a Hub of activity within the existing fabric to help preserve the surrounding environment. This strategy also has great expansion potential as the shopping becomes more constant along Latrobe to the east and west sides.

The Blue rings represent potential arrival points for the precinct.. the middle point being a new public transport stop.

In terms of the site, the left and middle points are the most important. as well as arrivals from the north from local areas.

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